Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Uki2 Class 2 - Programming

Today is my second day at Uki. Morning session was Personal Skills development which I wrote about it and my experience in the previous post.

After lunch 1o' clock I started touch typing practice. After some time our director came and officially started Programming class. He divided the class into 4 groups.
Then he started to explain us about Programming Fundamentals.

The first question asked by him was "What is a Computer..?" Everyone had different definitions..

Then he explained

A computer is a programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given.

He asked several questions
  1. What can the computers do?
  2. How do they do it?
Then he detailed about the question and answers...

1.Computers can do
  • Calculations
  • Data Storing
  • Sharing 
  • Gaming
  • Scanning
2.Input>>Process>>Output is a basic function method of Computer.. In this way computers are doing their work.

After that 4 groups are asked to do a presentation on below topics...
  •  What is a programming language?
  • Why are there so many programming languages?
  • What are the types of programming languages?
Programming Language: 
Programming Language is the set of instruction coded to execute a specific problem by computer itself.  


A programming language is a set of rules that provides a way of telling a computer what operations to perform.

Programming Languages convert high level languages to machine language by 2 methods.
  1. Compiler
  2. Interpreter
Compiler : Compiler is one of the tool used to convert High-level language to language that can understand by computer. This will translate the whole source code and then offer the code to computer to run. As this type, the time will be higher than interpreter, but performance wise this is better one.

Interpreter : Similarly this tool used in the same way as Compiler. This will translate the source code by single single line. Execution and run of this process is comparatively low.

Followings are comparison between Compiler & Interpreter

Mother of Programming Language

Ada Augusta Lovelace was the first programmer in the computer world.She was an English mathematician and writer. She worked with Charles Babbage. She got to know that computer's simple calculations and applications are work in algorithms.

Reason for so many programming languages:  
  • User's need
  • Developing related
  • Jobs related problems to be solved
Types of Programming Languages are
  1. Low-level language. E.g: Binary Language
  2. Middle-level Language. E.g: Assembly Language
  3. High-level Language. E.g: Python, C, C++, C#, Java.....
Following are some topics discussed today..

Computer Programming:Computer Programming is the process of developing and implementing various sets of instructions to enable a computer to do a certain task

Programmers are the one who make a solution for a problem to be solved by computer. They write codes and execute to run.

Algorithm is a series programming source codes of instruction to be performed by computer in a proper way.

Language VS Programming Languages

Languages are used to instruct Human.... Programming Languages are to instruct computers..
and some points were further discussed.

The For Web Development... The needed languages were introduced.
They are...
  1.  HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Java Script
  4. Node.JS
  5. PHP
  6. Java
  7. C#
  8. Ruby
  9. Perl
  10. Python
But, in Uki... Its a six month course.. So, we have to study the very important languages only..
Such as..
  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Java Script
  4. Node.JS
 What determines a “good” language..
  1. Syntax / Keywords used in a programming language : Easy syntax like Python are very easy to understand
  2. Performance.: Some languages Syntax are easy but their performance is poor.
  3. User Interface: This is one of the main issue. Some languages are easy syntax and good performance but don't give a good user interface.
Then a presentation on above mentioned Web development languages were done by each team had each title..

Important facts that should be followed when  presenting a presentation..
  1. should have proper backup of presentation in DVD or USB formats.
  2. Aware of the hardware we use
  3. Presentation Language
  4. Time Management
So, with these instruction the class was finished... It was another experience for me in the Tech World... Hoping a lot from Uki..

♥ Uki..


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